Special Offers

$20 Emergency Exam & X-Ray

Dental emergencies may be uncomfortable, but don't have to break the bank! Schedule your emergency exam and x-ray for just $20, and get the solutions you need for oral injuries, broken teeth, and more.

FREE Wisdom Teeth Consult

Wondering if it's time for you or your teen to undergo wisdom tooth removal surgery? Get all the guidance you need when you schedule your FREE wisdom teeth consult with Dr. Brannen! *Current x-ray required.

FREE Implant Consultation

When you need to replace a tooth, a few teeth, or an entire set, dental implants are considered the gold standard solution. Schedule your free implant consultation to receive expert guidance from Dr. Brannen and determine if implants are the right replacement teeth for you!

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(503) 581-3727

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    8:00am - 5:00pm
    8:00am - 5:00pm

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